
Showing posts from January, 2023


What is SQL? SQL (STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE) is a programming language used for managing and manipulating data in a relational database.It is used to insert,update,retrieve, and delete data stored in a database. SQL is widely used for managing data in large organizations as well as for building web applications and mobile apps that rely on databases. SQL is a standard language, which means that the syntax and basic functionality is consistent across different DBMS. SQL has a simple syntax that makes it easy to learn and use.what data you want to modify or retrieve and database management system takes care of executing the necessary operations to achieve that. Why SQL? It is a standard language that is supported by many relational database management systems, including oracle,Microsoft SQL server,MYSQL,and PostgreSQL. Here are some common SQL queries: SELECT - retrieves data from one or more tables in a database. INSERT - adds new data into a table. UPDATE - modifies ...

Roles and responsibilities of an MES engineer

Roles and responsibilities of an MES engineer 1.Understand and determine the project requirements: a)The first step in project planning is to gather requirements from the end user. b)Need to take the time to listen and understand their point of view and ask their requirements, it helps us  in problem-solving in further situations. c)Based on the information, one can determine what things are needed to deliver to the user. This requires strong communication skills, positivity and problem-solving. d)Clearly communicate with the end user by answering questions or explain in doubts in addition to actively listening to the end user problems. 2.Define the scope i.The things to remember while defining the scope are a) It should be achievable. b)It sounds like pragmatic. ii.Along with the scope we need to estimate the line items like a)Major deliverables. b)Timelines. c)Resources and manpower. d)Related activities. e)Project boundaries. 3.Breakdown the project scope: a)Breakdown the scope...