Fundamental rights and Fundamental duties of an Indian citizen

The rights of citizens are written down in the constitution and in most democracies courts are set up to protect these rights.The Indian constitution lists the fundamental rights and these are have a high degree of protection from government encroachment.Fundamental rights always ensures equality,liberty(Freedom) and justice.

No government have the power to remove certain basic features of the government and no government can abolish fundamental rights of citizens.

 What are fundamental rights?

They are set of rights that every Indian citizen gets by default.These rights are laid down by the constitution of India.

6 fundamental rights are:

1.Right to equality:All citizens are treated can't be subject to different set of laws.

2.Right to freedom:You are free to express your thoughts.You are having right to obtain working information of the government is called Right to information.

3.Right against exploitation:Nobody can exploit a fellow citizen.

4.Right to freedom of religion:Free to practice any religion by your choice.

5.Cultural and educational rights:Right to preserve to culture.

6.Right to constitutional remedies:If you feel any of your rights are compromised you have the right to take the issue to the court.

Importance of fundamental rights:

All people must be given a basic set of rights.

Rights allow us to live us easier and happier life.They protects us minorities from majorities and rights assures us safety & joy.

We need laws that dictate our rights because Judiciary can intervene uphold rights of people when they are denied to them.

They are required for the functioning of democracy itself.

Rights come along with certain duties.

As citizens of India we are enjoying fundamental rights and we are also expect to perform certain fundamental duties.

Fundamental duties of an Indian citizen:

1.Obey the constitution and laws of the country.

2.Respect national flag and national anthem.

3.All of us should follow non violence,secularism and democracy.

Secularism: It means all of us that live together in this country can be of different religion but they are all still recognized as Indian citizens.

Democracy: A government by the people,for the people and of the people.

Non-Violence: It is the synonym of peaceful living and all disputes must be settled down through peaceful discussions and legal process and this concept was popularize by mahatma Gandhi.

4.All citizens must preserve the heritage and culture of the country.

5.If the situation demands we should protect the sovereignty,unity and integrity of the nation.

Sovereignty: It is the power of the Indian government to take decisions independently,without interference from outside forces of foreign countries.

6.Our duty is to make sure we respect the authority of the Indian government and also the unity of the country.

7.As citizens,we must safeguard public property and defend the country at any cost.

8.It is the duty of every citizen to avoid social evils such as dowry and gambling.

Managing citizenship:

What is citizenship?

Other words for citizenship is nationality.It is the scenario of belonging to a specific country.If you have citizenship in the country you have the right to live,work,vote and pay taxes.

A citizen is the responsible member of nation.

Why it is important to have a citizen ship in a country?

Personnel identity and a sense of belonging to a country are important for every individual when we look at things from global perspective and there are privileges offered by the country such as legal protection,social services supports the citizens to take part one nation's administration.

The country takes care of you.

Citizens share some social characteristics such as culture,religion,language or a common history.This shared heritage promotes national unity and integrity.

In case of India, we all share the common history of the independence movement. The fact is that all people irrespective of their language,culture,tradition,caste come and fought together against the British makes us feel that we are one nation.


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