Team Building
You are going to participate in football competition in college.
Your college management is expecting your team to bring the cup.
You have excellent skilled persons in your team.
But at the time of the match you loose the cup and opponent team win the cup.
Why?What could be the reason?
Yes It is about "Team building"
You have not shown much interest towards team building so opponents defeated you.
What is Team Building?
As per my collection,Team building is the process of enabling the team to reach their goal.A team is a group of people working towards a common goal.
Teamwork is necessary everywhere in our routine life.When you are married your partner will be the part of the team.
For common instance,if you are working in an organisation;you are the member of it and have to work together.
Teamwork is always workouts and gives best results.
The best example of teamwork is your five fingers.Only when five fingers work as a team you can eat and do any work.
Development of the team:
Do u know Brue Tuchman?
He was an american psychological researcher and he proposed a theory on Tuckmann stages of 'Group development'.
It is an interesting model,called as "Forming-Storming-Norming-Performing"(FSNP) for group development in 1965 and these phases are all necessary in order for the team
1.To Grow in career
2.To face challenges,
3.To overcome problems,
4.To find solutions,
5.To plan work,and
6.To deliver results.
Lets have a deep discussion in this model.
What is Forming?
It is the initial stage in any organization,the forming of the team plays an important role.The individual's behavior,strengths and weaknesses are driven by a desire to be accepted by the others.
In this stage the members of the team get to know one another,exchange some personnel information and make new friends.
This is also a good opportunity to see how each member of the team works as an individual and how they respond.
What is Storming?
During this stage the team discusses the issue,problems,difficulties,challenges etc.,and tries to find solutions.
Team members open up to each other and confront each others ideas and perspectives.
In some cases storming can be resolved quickly.Here team members focus may shift from the tasks at hand to feelings like frustration or anger with the team's progress or process.
I think most of us come across with this situation in project implementation.
People start to push against the established boundaries.
Through this stage,conflicts are resolved and team members shares their ideas openly and team leaders are help to teams by having a plan in place to manage competition among team members.
What is Norming?
This is the third stage of team development process.Here groups begins to involve into the working environment and appreciates one another strength and of course value their teammate's strength.
Team members shift their energy to achieve target goal and you can recognize this stage by people behavior where they start to resolve their differences,respect team leader authority.
The purpose of this stage is collection of scores from relevant population which allows you to benchmark.
The people are set into their goals and aligned with individual role and responsibilities.
And as a team leader you should believe in the following in this stage:
1.Focus on building trust.
2.Create a team culture of honesty and transparency.
3.Help the team members on all the time.
4Ccontinually work on better collaboration.
What is Performing?
It is the stage where the things get done with your team collaboration and it is where a real work happens by all the sense of trust and confidence build within the team.when the team reach this state there is no other possible way to miss the goal .
Here establishment of group norms takes place. The focus of the group shift to tasks and the interpersonal issues are resolved.
In this stage the team members understand the structure and objective of the project and works collaboratively by seeking help of others and set their mind with a thought of work together to meet goal.
And final result of the group characterized by trust,affinity,transparency,experience,competence.
Mentors can turn their attention to identifying individual's strengths and weakness,and helping to men-tees to step out their comfort zones.
Men-tees takes greater responsibility for accomplishing the goal or objective and now they require less supervision than previous stages.
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